A missionary told a story about going to S. Africa and preaching to a number of tribes in the jungle. He saw a lot of people saved, in several different villages that were within a few miles of each other. These new Christians were excited about learning more about Jesus, but none of them had a place to worship, and unfortunately none of the tribes had the resources to build a church. Besides, how was the missionary going to be in all the tribes at the same time.
So the new Christians all got together, from all the tribes, which in itself was amazing considering they had always been in conflict with each other. They all came together and cleared some land right in the middle of all the tribes, and erected a crude church to worship in.
I could stop right here and talk about the desire to worship once we are saved. But, the story goes on. You see the people all walked to the church every chance they could get, and so there was some well worn paths leading to and from the worship center. However like most of us, eventually the time came when the new Christians became lazy about their worship. Occasionally someone would start missing services, and after missing a few too many, that person would receive a visit from friends from the other tribes. They would tell how they were concerned about the person, and wanted to make sure they were not ill, or injured or anything. Then they would tell that person, "brother, there is grass growing on your path, there must be sin growing in your heart".
In Lk 18:1-5 we see a parable Jesus taught about a woman who had been wronged. She went to the judge, but he told her that he would not do anything. But, she would not take no for an answer she kept going back to him, asking him to avenge her. He refused for a while, but she finally got on his nerves, and so in order to make her shut up and leave him alone, he did what she was asking for. Verse 1 tells us "that men ought always to pray, and not to faint", even if it seems that your prayers are not, and will not be answered do no give up, keep on keeping on. There are times God will test our faith by waiting to answer our prayer, He wants us to keep praying in order to make our faith stronger. Not only that but with some of His children the only time He hears their voice is when they need something, so He makes them keep coming back so that He can hear from them.
If you look at Phil. 4:6 you will read "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God". Now we have seen when and what we are to pray for. We are to pray non-stop for everything.
Is there grass growing on your path? Or do you take all your needs, troubles, worries and your praises, and the things that you are thankful for to your Heavenly Father?
Now, this is what I had planned for Sunday, before my trip to the ER, this was planned even before I found out about the computer I was given. Isn't it funny how God works in our lives? We are told that He knows what we need, even before we ask Him. Then He gives us a devotion that is going to cover something that will happen to us in the future. I serve a good God, a wise God, and a loving God.
That's beautiful about the African tribes!!! I sure did need to hear this devotion. I need to be more fervent and "boldly assertive" in my prayers.