You never know when God is going to give you inspiration for something like this, last night at church we were singing an hymn, and I noticed the verse that went with it, and now here we are.
When we walk with the LORD, In the light of His Word, What a glory He sheds on our way, While we do His good will, and with all who trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
Let's look at Gen 5:22 and we'll see someone who trusted, and obeyed. God is giving us a lineage of Adam, and out of everyone He mentions, He picks one person to, mention something about their life, "Enoch walked with God". It's hard to believe that out of all those people that only one person, obeyed God. I believe that He is telling us that Enoch went above and beyond what is expected of a human, we after all are just dust, as the Psalmist says. So what was the end result of Enoch's walk with God, in verse 24 it says that even at the end of his life "Enoch walked with God: and he was no; for God took him".
That is the extent of what the Bible mentions of Enoch, no great battles won, no Jews taken out of captivity, nothing special, just that he lived, how long he lived, and his children. What was so special that God took him? He walked with God every single day. Day in, and day out, he consulted God before he made any decision, I doubt they had a written book about God, but if they did he read it daily. Everything he did, he did for the glory of God, he gave his tithe, he taught others about God. He did not have time for facebook, or tv, or email. He was the family member everyone hated to see coming, because they knew he would not shut up about God.
I know I don't walk with God the way I should, what about you? We need to spend more time worrying about what God thinks, and less time on what the world wants from us.
Amen, Brother! No one seems to have time, but they can "make time" for the latest technology gadgetry, inappropriate movies, all kinds of sports, or anything that would take their minds off God. So sad! :-(((